Instruction for Authors
TIGG is an international, bilingual journal covering the fields of glycoscience and glycotechnology; it is issued bimonthly. TIGG is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research.
MINIREVIEWS describe the recent progress in the fields of glycoscience and glycotechnology. Articles should not necessarily present a thorough review, but rather a reflection of the author’s idea. This includes what he/she thought during the research, what he/she considers important, what he/she believes is a new concept, etc. Suggestions are always welcome in the form of a one-page synopsis (double spaced) addressed to the editor-in-chief. The manuscript can be 2 to 5 pages long (template used), including tables, figures, references and author affiliation. An abstract of not more than 200 words and 5 key words should also be provided.
GLYCOREVIEWS are longer version of MINIREVIEWS that benefits from paying the Immediate Open Access (IOA) publication fee. The manuscript can be 6 to 10 pages long (template used), including tables, figures, references and author affiliation.
GLYCOTOPICS are short commentaries on the latest papers that describe outstanding findings and their background.The manuscript can be 1 page long (template used), including tables, figures and author affiliation.
GLYCODEBUTS introduce distinguished Ph.D. theses or outstanding works of young scientists from all over the world in the field of glycosciences and glycotechnologies. The manuscript can be 2 to 3 pages long (template used), including tables, figures, references and author affiliation.
GLYCOFORUM is for our readers who wish to submit their comments on scientific or social matters related to FCCA.
LETTERS TO TIGG are for readers who wish to discuss contributions that appear in TIGG or matters related to FCCA.
Readers are encouraged to contribute to any of the above-mentioned platforms. Manuscripts should be written in English (and in Japanese for authors who are native to Japanese) and sent to to TIGG Editorial Office. Due to limited space, not all manuscripts submitted for publication can be accepted. The editors reserve the right to accept, reject and edit the manuscripts. The accepted article from non-Japanese contributors may be translated to Japanese version. Please ask editorial staff if you are interested.
Common instructions for authors contributing to MINIREVIEWS, GLYCODEBUTS, GLYCOTOPICS, GLYCOFORUM, and LETTERS TO TIGG.
- Manuscripts must be original, previously unpublished, and not accepted for publication or under review elsewhere.
- Have a look at the previous TIGG issues to get an idea about the journal’s layout. Recent articles can be downloaded free of charge at the J-STAGE except for those published within a year.
- Manuscripts should consist of title, author(s), affiliation(s), FAX number, e-mail address, key words, abstract, introduction, main text, acknowledgements, references, legend, schemes, figures, tables, and the authors' short biography and pictures. The main text may be further divided into sections.
- Native Japanese authors are requested to supply the above-mentioned contents in Japanese.
- References should be cited in the text using numbers and numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance in the manuscript. Journal names are abbreviated according to Chemical Abstracts. Please follow the styles shown in the samples listed below. If there are four or more authors, write as “1st author et al.”1. Totani, K., et al. (2004) Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol. 16, 383–392.2. Sambrook, J., and Russell, D.W. (2001) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3rd Ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.3. Hardy, R. R., and Shinton, S.A. (2004) in B Cell Protocols (Gu, H., and Rajewsky, K., eds.), pp.1–24, Human Press Inc., Totowa, NJ.EndNote output style and Citation Style Language (CSL) files are available for TIGG.
For references in GLYCOTOPICS, please examine previous TIGG issues and follow their style. - Submission of your article via e-mail is recommended. The maximum size of your electronic article including illustrations, should be less than 10 MB. Files produced by using the most commercial word processing software packages can be viewed by the publisher, either in Windows or Macintosh. However, authors are encouraged to send the text in the rich text format (.rtf) along with the original file (eg., doc/docx).
- Figures and schemes should be provided in their completed forms. Grayscale graphics are recommended. Color illustrations are converted into grayscale in the journal, but released in their color forms online. Authors are encouraged to provide us graphics saved in the TIFF format, although files in PowerPoint (ppt/pptx) format are also acceptable. Resolution of 300 dpi for grayscale and color graphics and 600 dpi for black and white graphics are required; graphics must be sized precisely as they should appear (See below). For chemical structures and schemes, cdx format is accepted. See section 8. Graphics must fit a one- or two-column format on the TIGG journal page. The font should not be less than 6 points. Helvetica or Arial fonts are recommended. Lines should not be thinner than 0.5 point. In case the submitted artwork is required to be reduced, a larger font size and thicker lines should be used. A two-column format is recommended for artwork for the efficient use of journal space.
single double Width maximum 8 cm min 10 mm, max 17 cm Depth maximum 24 cm max 24 cm - Chemical structures are recommended to be produced using a drawing program such as ChemDraw software. The ACS style is recommended; Chain angle 120°; bond spacing 18% of width; fixed length 0.610 cm; bold width 0.071 cm; line width 0.021 cm; margin width 0.056 cm; hash spacing 0.088 cm. Text must use Arial or Helvetica fonts, size 10 pt. A template is available. Please follow the link by pressing the control key and clicking on the link simultaneously, and choose download linked file as a ChemDraw file (.cdx).
- Please note that the fonts permitted for use in illustrations must be Times, Helvetica, or Symbol.
- Tables may be created using a word processor's text mode or the table format feature.
- Templates (English/Japanese) are provided to assist authors preparing their manuscripts. Non-Japanese speaking authors do not have to write Japanese article. Editorial office may ask those authors if they want or allow us to translate their article into Japanese. Authors who write both in English and Japanese may want to use a bilingual template to get an idea of length of the written text in both languages.
- Authors must obtain a permission from the rights holder when using other’s artworks.
- Authors are welcome to contact the publisher or editor if they have any queries.
- We intend to put author profiles in the journal. Therefore, please provide a color or gray picture and a condensed curricula vitae. Please look at previous TIGG issues for examples of author profiles.
- All studies that involve human subjects must abide by the declaration of the Helsinki protocol. Experiments with animals should be performed in accordance with the legal requirements of the relevant local or national authority.
- Authors are responsible for all contents of their articles.
- The copyright of any paper printed in TIGG belongs to its author. The corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, shall understand the statements of copyright agreements.
- The authors who are nonnative speakers of English are requested to use an English editing service before submission. The service must be paid for and arranged by the authors.
- As a publication option for author’s choice, articles of the TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) are open access immediately upon first posting in current issue on the TIGG website and remain open for all to access, read and download. A TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) publication fee is payable by authors or their research funder. Permitted reuse is defined by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND).